Thursday, June 26, 2008

An Unbalanced Life.

Colorful drops by tanakawho

Many of us are trying to reach that magical place where life is a perfect balance of work and play, good and bad. Although most of us are probably making steady progress, I offer another solution: an unbalanced life.

An unbalanced life is one where we not only admit our flaws – we embrace them! All of our wacky quirks and strange habits now become our strengths. Let’s say you like making personalized Christmas cards, but you get the inspiration in July. Who cares? Go for it! There’s no real reason not to get those cards done early, and your family and friends will appreciate the time and effort you put into them; no matter what time of the year they were done.

Look for your natural rhythms. Who cares if you like to exercise at 9:00 pm at night? If you sleep soundly and can fit it into your schedule, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. Maybe you prefer to clean first thing in the morning? As long as you don’t disrupt anyone’s sleep, go for it. What if you like jazz, but your spouse likes country? That’s what MP3 players were invented for.

Instead of trying to fight our nature, we should welcome it openly. If you’re a morning person, do your hardest tasks early in the day when you have the energy. If you hate making dinner every night after work, try fixing 3-4 meals on Sunday and freezing them for the week.

Stop doing things at a certain time or a certain way just because that the way it’s always been done. Free yourself! Be creative and experiment to come up with your own schedule and preferences. Switch dinner for breakfast so you can eat your biggest meal early in the day. Barbeque in the winter and drink hot chocolate in the summer. Let go of other people’s expectations and enjoy your journey.

What quirks, oddities and eccentric behaviors do you enjoy? Feel free to share them in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.

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