Freddy’s Happy by Rob Lee
The everyday world sometimes seems cold and unfriendly. Newspapers and TV are full of information on murders, fires, car accidents and more. As you listen to the statistics of crime and see the images of men and women beaten and attacked in their homes, you begin to feel grouchy and irritable. “The world’s a mess,” you say. Suddenly you find yourself feeling inexplicably depressed for no understandable reason.
There is hope. You need a good old fashioned dose of positive thinking and optimism. Good news is out there. You can scan newspaper articles and find heroic 8-year-olds whose phone call to 911 saved their mother’s life. You can watch TV and find Holmes on Homes, where Mike Holmes fixes the construction, plumbing and electrical mistakes that others have made. You can find the good out there if you just make the time to look.
Putting in that extra effort is worth it. As you start to notice the good people and organizations that are dedicated to helping others, your day will brighten and your cynicism will fade away. You’ll recognize the goodness in mankind is out there, it’s just being ignored. You’ll read about people who promote random acts of kindness, whether it’s something as simple as smiling at a over-worked mom, or purchasing a meal for the person behind you at your favorite fast food restaurant. As you read about the kindness people share with each other, the beautiful generosity of the human spirit, you’ll be moved and inspired to share the joy.
You’re outlook will brighten through the uplifting stories of hope and selflessness. After book marking a few “Good News Only” web sites, you notice you’re view beginning to change. You’ll feel more comfortable around strangers, and find yourself singing as you work. This more balanced perspective will help you find life more of a joy, and help you not to lose hope in the future. People around the world are working hard to make a positive difference. The world is a good place to be.
There are people working to help the poor, improve the environment and give back to their communities. Read the story of Dave, who studied the “natural recovery from MS,” program and went from wheelchair to bicycle in less than 3 years. Or watch the You Tube video about Hybrid Solar Lighting that was shown on Discovery channel. See the miraculous rescue and inter-species hero when a dolphin saves a surfer from a shark attack.
Share your own good news stories with friends and families. Change your own focus to the positive and uplifting and watch as your perspective and view of the world shift to a more upbeat outlook.
To help you get your search started, here are a few of my favorite good news and happiness sites:
Happiness at Work – The Chief Happiness Officer
1 comment:
Thank you for posting these great web links! I found *your* blog searching "random acts of kindness" on Google's blogsearch. The Good News sites you linked were exactly what I was looking for. I'm convinced there's a lot more positive energy and kindness out there than we realize. I try to focus on this on my own blog, Daily Mitzvah ( http://dailymitzvah.blogspot.com ), which spotlights a fun and easy activity each day to make a small difference in a big world. I find it's easier to keep the content fresh if I'm inspired myself -- so, just selfishly, I'm thrilled to learn about all these neat links from your site.
Thank you for being such a positive presence in the blogosphere!
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